Τύποι ΣΑΡ-ΠΕΙ Και Διαφορές

Πως να ξεχωρίσετε ένα αληθινό αρχέγονο ΣΑΡ-ΠΕΙ

Η αλήθεια είναι ότι υπάρχει μια μεγάλη σύγχυση όσον αφορά τον αριθμό των τύπων του σαρ-πει. Λίγοι γνωρίζουν τις διαφορές και ακόμη λιγότεροι ενδιαφέρονται να τους χωρίσουν σε ομάδες ώστε να μην συμμετέχουν και διαγωνίζονται όλα αυτά τα διαφορετικά άτομα της φυλής με το ίδιο κριτήριο στον εκθεσιακό στίβο. Είναι απλά άδικο και ανόητο, την στιγμή που άλλες φυλές κρίνονται χωριστά λόγο του μήκους του τριχώματος τους και μόνο ή της υφής του.

Και ενώ το αρχέγονο σαρ-πει (ή κινέζικο) έχει μία και μόνο εκδοχή, δηλαδή ένα τύπο και μια συγκεκριμένη μορφολογία και ανατομία, εντούτοις το δυτικού τύπου σαρ-πει (ή αμερικάνικο), έχει πολλές περισσότερες και είναι λογικό μιας και είναι μια σχετικά νέα δημιουργία του κυνολογικού χώρου (μόλις 50 χρόνων, ενώ το αρχέγονο έχει μια προϊστορία σαν σκύλος, 2000 ετων) που συνεχώς μεταλλάσσεται για να καλύψει τα θέλω του αγοραστικού κοινού.

Έτσι λοιπόν έχουμε δυο βασικούς τύπους , το ΚΙΝΕΖΙΚΟ και το ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΙΚΟ, με το δεύτερο να χωρίζεται στις επιμέρους υποκατηγορίες ανάλογα με τον τύπο τριχώματος και την μορφολογία του στόματος:

Μακρυτριχο με σαρκώδες στόμα (brush coat-meat mouth)

Κοντότριχο με οστέινο στόμα (horse coat – bone mouth)

Μακρυτριχο με οστέινο στόμα (brush coat – bone mouth)

Με τρίχωμα αρκούδας (bear coat) και οποιονδήποτε τύπο στόματος, αλλά δεν είναι αποδεκτό στις εκθέσεις μορφολογίας και δεν αναγνωρίζεται από τον όμιλο σαρ-πει

Κοντότριχο με σαρκώδες στόμα (horse coat-meat mouth)

Δίχρωμο και με οποιονδήποτε τύπο στόματος. Ένας πολύ αρεστός χρωματισμός που κερδίζει συνεχώς θαυμαστές, αλλά που δεν είναι αποδεκτός σε εκθέσεις μορφολογίας.

Κλασικός τύπος (meaty bone mouth),είναι κάτι ανάμεσα στο οστεώδες και το σαρκώδες στόμα. Αυτός ο τύπος έχει ισχυρά γονίδια στο DNA του και από το κινέζικο και από το αμερικάνικο σαρ-πει και είναι ένα σκυλί χωρίς υπερβολές. Το ρύγχος του δεν έχει πολλά ‘’μαξιλαράκια’’ και μάγουλα αλλά δεν είναι και τελείως ‘’στεγνό’’. Μπορεί να είναι μακρυτριχο ή κοντοτριχο

Το πρόβλημα των περισσοτέρων ενδιαφερομένων αγοραστών αρχέγονου σαρ-πει, είναι πως θα καταφέρουν να αποκτήσουν ένα πραγματικά κινέζικο τύπο χωρίς να πέσουν θύματα κάποιων καιροσκόπων που θα τους δώσουν ένα ημιαιμο προφασιζόμενοι πως είναι κινέζικο λόγω του στενού του ρύγχους . Υπάρχουν λοιπόν κάποιες πολύ βασικές διαφορές ανάμεσα στο κινέζικο ή αρχέγονο σαρ-πει και σε όλους τους υπόλοιπους τύπους του δυτικού ή αμερικάνικου σαρ-πει αλλά και στους μιγάδες σαρ-πει.

Η πιο τρανταχτή διαφορά όπως επανηλημενως αναφέρεται σε όλα τα άρθρα είναι το ρύγχος. Το κινέζικο ή αρχέγονο σαρ-πει (traditional), έχει πάντα ένα ‘’στεγνό’’ ρύγχος, χωρίς ποτέ να εμφανίζεται το γνωστό ‘’μαξιλαράκι’’ πάνω από τη μύτη του ζώου αλλά ούτε και να καλύπτεται από παχιά μάγουλα. Δεν θέλουμε τίποτα να παρεμβάλλεται ανάμεσα στις σιαγόνες και τα δόντια, που θα εμποδίζουν το δάγκωμα ή θα το κάνουν λιγότερο αποτελεσματικό και δυνατό, μιας και ο τύπος αυτός είναι ένα καθαρά εργασιακό σκυλί με απώτερο σκοπό το κυνήγι. Το ρύγχος είναι πάντοτε λεπτότερο σε σχέση με το φάρδος του κρανίου κοιτώντας το από πάνω και ελαφρώς σφηνοειδές. Το μήκος του κρανίου είναι σχεδόν ίσο με το μήκος του ρύγχους, το οποίο δεν πρέπει να καταλήγει σε μυτερή άκρη αλλά να ναι τετραγωνισμένο και ούτε να έχει ανοδική πορεία ή να είναι κυρτό. Πρέπει να είναι παράλληλο στην ευθεία του κρανίου. Όταν το στόμα του ανοίγει , ο σκύλος δίνει την εντύπωση ότι χαμογελά, ανοίγοντας το διάπλατα σε ένα χαρακτηριστικό όπως λέγεται ‘’στόμα βατράχου’’. Τα ρουθούνια είναι μεγάλα και ανοιχτά και παρέχουν στο ζώο την απαιτούμενη δόση οξυγόνου που χρειάζεται, την ώρα που το στόμα του είναι κλειστό λόγω ακινητοποίησης του θηράματος. Τα μάτια μεγάλα , αμυγδαλωτά και κατά προτίμηση όσο πιο σκούρα γίνεται. Ποτέ μα ποτέ δεν πρέπει να είναι πολύ βαθιά τοποθετημένα στο κρανίο (έτσι αποφεύγεται το εντρόπιο και τα μάτια είναι πάντα υγιή). Λίγες ‘’καθαρές’’ και σφιχτές πτυχώσεις υπάρχουν μόνο στο μέτωπο και πουθενά αλλού στο κρανίο ή στο σώμα του σκύλου. Τα αφτιά μπορεί να είναι όρθια ή πεσμένα μικρά ή λίγο μεγαλύτερα.

Το αμερικάνικο ή δυτικού τύπου σαρ-πει, με το σαρκώδες στόμα (meat mouth), έχει ένα τετράγωνο κεφάλι, στο σύνολο κρανίο-ρύγχος. Το φάρδος της κεφαλής είναι σχεδόν το ίδιο με το φάρδος του ρύγχους κοιτώντας το από πάνω. Έχει πάντα ‘’μαξιλαράκι’’ πάνω από τη μύτη και παχιά , ανεπτυγμένα μάγουλα. Αυτό είναι και το σήμα κατατεθέν του ως ‘’ιπποποταμισιο’’ κεφάλι, που προσδίδει γλυκύτητα και ελκυστικότητα σε αυτόν τον τύπο και το κάνει ένα καθαρά εκθεσιακό, εντυπωσιακό σκύλο συντροφιάς. Τα ρουθούνια είναι δυστυχώς πολύ στενά και μικρά και δυσκολεύουν τις περισσότερες φορές το σκύλο στην αναπνοή και οξυγόνωση ιδικά τους θερμούς μήνες. Τα μάτια είναι πολύ βαθιά τοποθετημένα στο κρανίο και αμυγδαλωτά. Οι πτυχές είναι άφθονες και έντονες σε όλο το κεφάλι και τα πλαϊνά του στόματος και του λαιμού, πολλές φορές και σε όλο το σώμα του σκύλου (αν και αυτό τείνει να είναι μη επιθυμητό τα τελευταία χρόνια στους στίβους των εκθέσεων). Τα αφτιά είναι πάντα πεσμένα και όσο πιο μικρά τόσο πιο επιθυμητά.

Συγκρίνοντας τώρα το σώμα και την κατασκευή των δυο τύπων, βλέπουμε τις εξής διαφορές. Το κινέζικο ή αρχέγονο σαρ-πει είναι πάντα ψηλό σε σχέση με το αμερικάνικο και για την ακρίβεια όσο πιο ψηλό τόσο πιο επιθυμητό (πολλά αγγίζουν τα 55,88 εκατ.- ύψος ακρωμίου). Το σώμα είναι αθλητικό, με ‘’ελαφρύ’’ σκελετό και κατασκευή, δεν δείχνει ποτέ ‘’βαρύ’’. Τα άκρα τους είναι ίσια, δυνατά και μακριά. Εκεί που πρέπει να δοθεί ιδιαίτερη σημασία είναι στο πέλμα, που πρέπει να είναι πεπλατυσμένο με φανερά επιμήκη δάκτυλα, τα οποία ο σκύλος χρησιμοποιεί για σκαρφάλωμα, σκάψιμο, ακόμη και για να πιάσει κάτι. Το τρίχωμα είναι αυστηρά και μόνο κοντότριχο, που φτάνει έως και το 1 εκ. και είναι ασυνήθιστα σκληρό στην αφή και μυτερό, τόσο που προκαλεί ερεθισμό στο ανθρώπινο δέρμα. Τα χρώματα του κινέζικου σαρ-πει είναι μπεζ, καφέ, κρεμ και μαύρο της σκουριάς (όχι το απόλυτο μαύρο). Δεν υπάρχουν γκρι, λιλά, σοκολατί ή sable κινέζικα σαρ-πει. Και τελευταίο χαρακτηριστικό του το φαλακρό άκρο της ουράς. Η ουρά ξεκινά παχιά και στρογγυλεμένη που λεπταίνει σταδιακά για να καταλήξει σε ένα ιδιαίτερα λεπτό και μυτερό άτριχο άκρο (ενώ στο αμερικανικου τύπου σαρ-πει, απλά παρατηρείται μια ελαφρά λέπτυνση στο άκρο της ουράς, αλλά κατά γενική ομολογία είναι παχιά σε όλο το μήκος της).

Σε αντίθεση τώρα το αμερικάνικο σαρ-πει ή δυτικού τύπου, τείνει να γίνεται ολοένα και πιο κοντό και μάλιστα να προτιμάται έτσι, με ύψος που φτάνει έως τα 51 εκ. Μάλιστα έχει δημιουργηθεί και το σαρ-πει μινιατούρα που μετά βίας αγγίζει τα 40 εκ.. Σε γενικές γραμμές είναι ένα γεροδεμένο σκυλί με ‘’βαρύ’’ σκελετό και κοντά άκρα τα οποία καταλήγουν σε σφιχτά πέλματα σαν της γάτας. Το τρίχωμα έχει διάφορες εκδοχές , κοντότριχο, μακρύτριχο (έως 2,5 εκ.) ακόμη και με ‘’τρίχωμα αρκούδας’’ που θυμίζει πολύ το chow-chow, αλλά δεν είναι εκθεσιακά αποδεκτό. Στην υφή του είναι ναι μεν σκληρό αλλά όχι υπερβολικά, και δεν θυμίζει αυτό του κινέζικου τύπου ακόμη και αν μιλάμε για την κοντότριχη εκδοχή του. Τα χρώματα είναι διάφορα, από μαύρο, μπεζ, καφέ, σοκολατί, κόκκινο, μέχρι γκρι, λιλά, ακόμη και με βούλες (μη αποδεκτό εκθεσιακά). Η ουρά είναι παχιά σχεδόν καθ’ όλο το μήκος της, λεπταίνει ελαφρά στο τέλος της και δεν διαθέτει φαλακρό άκρο στο τελείωμα.

Ο κλασικός τύπος ή meaty bone mouth όπως λέγεται, μπορεί να έχει οποιοδήποτε από τα παραπάνω χαρακτηριστικά, είτε του ενός , είτε του άλλου τύπου, είτε και των δυο μαζί, αλλά πάντα με το χαρακτηριστικό ρύγχος που προαναφέραμε.

Όλοι αυτοί οι διαφορετικοί τύποι σαρ-πει είναι το ίδιο κατάλληλοι για οικογένεια, διαμέρισμα στην πόλη, ή εξοχή. Διαλέξτε λοιπόν τον τύπο εκείνο που σας έλκει περισσότερο εμφανισιακά και αν είστε αθλητικός και ενεργητικός τύπος προτιμείστε τον κινέζικο, αν είστε ήρεμοι και νωχελικοί σπιτόγατοι, θα βολευτείτε καλύτερα με τον αμερικάνικο.

Και οι δυο τύποι να ξέρετε πως έχουν εκπληκτική προσαρμοστικότητα και αν γνωρίζεται από σκύλους πραγματικά, μπορείτε να τους ταιριάξετε στον τρόπο ζωής σας, μιας και είναι μιμητικά σκυλιά ως προς την συμβίωση τους με τον ιδιοκτήτη τους, που σημαίνει ότι μαθαίνουν και αρέσκονται να κάνουν τον τρόπο ζωής που εσείς ακλουθείτε!.

Έλενα Τσαλικίδου

Treatise on FCI standard for Shar-pei

By Eric T. Omura


FCI initially adopted Standard Nr.309 on 25th January 1994 (hereafter referred to as Nr.309/1994) based on recommendation from the Hong Kong Kennel Club. In this original standard, it clearly stated that Shar-pei has its origin in China and its ¡§Patronage- Hong Kong¡¨. This standard clearly reflects a traditional type Chinese Shar-pei, commonly referred to as the ¡§bone-mouth¡¨ in the Chinese canine world.

For reason and process of decision not clearly understood, FCI changed this original standard (Nr.309/1994) to another version on August 9, 1999 (hereafter referred to as Nr.309/1999) which is basically similar to the American Kennel Club standard for Shar-pei. This is the standard for Western ¡§meat-mouth¡¨ type Shar-pei.

It is a widely known fact in Hong Kong that the recommendation presented to FCI by Hong Kong Kennel Club was the result of consensus reached after numerous meetings organized by the Sharpei Club Hong Kong. Members to this club in those early days included many prominent breeders of traditional type Chinese Shar-pei in Hong Kong. Therefore, for reason self-apparent, the Nr.309/1994 standard is the closest representation of a traditional type Shar-pei.

Clarification on the standard

Before going into the particulars of the FCI standard for Shar-pei, we should first examine a few basic issues as follows:

  • Nr.309/1994 clearly stated that Hong Kong is the country of patronage.
  • What was the reason that caused the change to Nr.309/1999 standard?
  • If the Hong Kong Kennel Club (HKKC) representing the place of origin did not initiate any revision of the Nr.309/1994 standard, under what circumstances did FCI unilaterally change the standard without first opening a dialogue with HKKC?
  • The Nr.309/1999 standard stated that FCI is the patronage.
  • FCI is an international organization and not a country. Can FCI take its member¡¦s place and surrogate as ¡§country of patronage¡¨ when a member clearly representing the place of origin (HKKC) is present?
  • If the Nr.309/1999 standard stated that the valid original standard was first published on April 14, 1999, then where did this original ¡§valid original standard¡¨ of Nr.309/1994 disappeared. The Nr.309/1994 standard stated that the ¡§valid original standard¡¨ was concurrent with the date of issue of FCI standard which was January 25, 1994. An official document can not just disappear without explanation.
  • If the Nr.309/1999 standard was meant to be a separate and independent standard from Nr.309/1994, then shouldn¡¦t it be filed under a different number instead of occupying the same Nr.309?
  • If Nr.309/1999 standard stands for a different breed standard overriding the previous ¡§wrong¡¨ standard, then what is the reason for this error? How can a Shar-pei standard be based on American and not the place of origin?
  • If Nr.309/1994 was filed in 1994 when Hong Kong was still under British rule, then on July 1, 1997 when sovereignty of Hong Kong reverted back to the People¡¦s Republic of China and became a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China, HKKC became a qualified organization representing the country of patronage. How could have the Nr.309/1999 standard issued two years after 1997 without any HKKC involvement?
  • HKKC wrote an official letter to FCI two years ago (2006) enquired about this matter. In short: ¡§What happened to the Nr.309/1994 standard?¡¨ So far as at this date (December 2, 2007) Chairman of the Hong Kong Kennel Club, Mr. Nelson Lam said that FCI did not give any reply to this enquiry so far.
  • FCI may be waiting for People¡¦s Republic of China to join FCI but this future issue should not complicate the current issue. For many Chinese breeds, Hong Kong has no geographical connection, but for Shar-pei, it is right within the geographical place of origin.
  • Recently in its General Assembly held in Acapulco on May 22nd, 2007, FCI reconfirmed its organizational principle. Article 7, item 4 of Standing Orders adopted by the FCI clearly stated that ¡§New breed standards shall be based on the standard from the country of origin or country of patronage.¡¨ This is the latest official reconfirmation of FCI long standing organizational principle.

It is fortunate that FCI has already a good prior experience in dealing with the case of Akita breed. In reality in future, there are many other breeds around the world outside of Europe and North America that may encounter the same breed dichotomy. For Shar-pei, the western meat-mouth type is already a fact of life that we can not turn back in time. The FCI Nr.309/1999 standard is a good representation of this. If FCI upheld its principle of ¡§standard from the country of origin or country of patronage¡¨, it is necessary that the name ¡§Chinese Shar-pei¡¨ must be represented by FCI Nr.309/1994 as initially proposed by the Hong Kong Kennel Club. To draw the case of Akita as a reference, FCI can name Nr.309/1999 standard as ¡§American Shar-pei¡¨ and Nr.309/1994 as ¡§Chinese Shar-pei¡¨.

Comparison between 1994 and 1999 FCI Shar-pei standard

To clarify the difference between FCI Nr.309/1999 and Nr.309/1994, a table of summary is listed below for easy comparison. Similar features of the two standards are rearranged and grouped together for easy comparison. The writings in red are notes for clarification and not part of the wordings in the standards.

Standard stipulation

FCI Nr.309/1994

(Chinese Shar-pei)

FCI Nr.309/1999

( American Shar-pei )





China (Dialack-Canton)


China (Dailack, Namhoi, Guangdong)











Hong Kong



F.C.I. (U.S.A.)



Date of issue



January 25, 1994



August 9, 1999



Valid original standard



January 25, 1994



April 14, 1999






Hunting and watchdog.



Hunting and watch-dog.






Active and agile. Calm, independent, loyal and affectionate to people.


¡§Active and agile¡¨ is the key words. Need to hunt and guard.



Calm independent, loyal, affectionate to his family.






19 to 23 inch at withers


(48.3 to 58.4 cm.)



17.5 to 20 inch at withers

(44 to 51 cm.)






40 to 65 lbs. (18 to 29.5 kgs.)



Not specified.






The skull is round and big at the base, but flat and broad at the forehead.

The Chinese description of the head is ¡§Wo Lo Tau¡¨, meaning ¡§Calabash¡¨ shaped head.


Should not be large or heavy in proportion to body.



Rather large in proportion to body.






Bluish-black tongue and gum preferred, pink and spotted only permissible in lighter colored dogs.



Bluish black is preferred. Pink spotted tongue permissible. Solid pink tongue highly undesirable.






Very strong and straight, with very strong back bone.


This is required for an active and agile rural working and hunting dog.



Dips slightly behind withers; then it rises slightly over loin.


This is to balance the larger head.


Croup rather flat.






There are several types of tail. The most common are the curl, and double ring; this can be a big or a small curl. The tail must be firm and tightly over the hip.


Thick and round at the root, tapering to a fine point is implied here as a preferred tail.



Thick and round at the root, tapering to a fine point. May be carried high and curved, carried in tight curl or curved over or to either side of the back.

The tail is set very high, a characteristic feature of the breed.


This feature is usually disregarded in most judging in shows.






In the adult dog pronounced wrinkles are only allowed over the forehead and withers.



Folds of skin on body in mature dogs highly undesirable except on withers and base of tail, which show moderate wrinkling.



Wrinkles on the forehead must be apparent but must not obstruct the eyes…The wrinkles on the forehead form a marking which resembles the Chinese Symbol for Longevity.



Wrinkles on forehead and cheeks continuing to form dewlap.



… loose skin around the throat. The loose skin should not be excessive. Excessive skin around the body in adults is most undesirable.



The loose skin under the neck should not be excessive.



Slight fold of skin on withers.



Wrinkles over skull and withers.






Short, hard, bristly and as straight as possible. Length must not be over 2.5cm (1¡¨) long.


Horse coat is shorter than brush coat.


Horse coat is preferred over brush coat



Short, harsh and bristly. The coat is straight and offstanding on the body, but generally flatter on the limbs.

The coat may vary in length from 1cm to 2.5 cm.


Brush coat preferred over horse coat



No undercoat. Never trimmed.



No undercoat. Never trimmed.






Length of muzzle nearly equal to the length of the skull.

Moderate in length, broad from the eyes but narrowing slightly towards the nose.



¡§Hippopotamus¡¨ muzzle impart to the Shar-pei a unique look.



The shape of the mouth when viewed from top should either be in the shape of a roundish roof tile commonly known as ¡§Roof Tile Mouth¡¨ or with a wide jaw in the shape of a toad¡¦s mouth, known as ¡§Toad Mouth¡¨.


A most distinctive feature of traditional Shar-pei. Top of muzzle is curved like a roof tile. No padded or bulge on top.



A distinctive feature of the breed. Broad from root to tip of nose with no suggestion of tapering. Lips and top of muzzle well padded. Bulge at the base of the nose permissible.



Snipy muzzle is not a fault, only less preferred over broader muzzle.



Snipy muzzle is a serious fault.






Small, thick, equilaterally triangular in shape, slightly rounded at tips. Tips pointing towards eyes and folded to the skull. Wide apart and close to skull.


Small but NOT very small. Small in proportion to head. Thickness is not emphasized here.



Small ears.

Very small, rather thick, equilaterally triangular in shape, slightly rounded at tip and set high on skull with tips pointing towards eyes…wide apart and close to skull.



Erect and standing ears are permissible but less desirable.



Pricked ears highly undesirable.






Medium sized, almond shaped. As dark as possible. Light colored eyes are undesirable.



Dark, almond-shaped with a scowling expression. Lighter color permissible in dilute-colored dogs.






Moderate size, compact, well padded, toes well knuckled.


Hind feet may have dewclaws and not specified in standard. May remove for better management.



Moderate size, compact, not splayed. Toes well knuckled.

Hind feet free from dewclaws.






Pasterns slightly sloping, strong and flexible.



Pastern slightly sloping, strong and flexible.






Strong and muscular. Moderately angulated.




Hocks well let down.



Muscular, strong, moderately angulated. Wrinkles on upper thighs, lower thighs, rear pasterns as well as the thickening of the skin on hocks undesirable.

Hocks well let down.






Solid colors black, blue black, black with a hint of rust brown, red, and fawn. Cream is acceptable but less desirable.


Darker shading or trace mark down the back, different tone of same solid color permissible around shoulder. A distinctive color feature of this breed.




All solid colors acceptable except white. Tail and rear part of thighs frequently of a lighter color. Darker shading down the back and on the ears permissible.



FCI Nr.309/1999 standard is basically a standard for Western type Shar-pei which the breeders here in China and Hong Kong refer to as the ¡§meat-mouth¡¨. On Jan. 12, 1998, AKC approved second edition of Chinese Shar-pei standard, and the FCI issued the Nr.309/1999 standard one year later. This Nr.309/1999 standard is actually quite similar to the American AKC standard.

The fact of life is that the Western type Shar-pei (meat-mouth) are already well accepted by many breeders around the world. Any attempt to replace it with a separate traditional Chinese Shar-pei standard is not practical and do no justice to the already existing type of dog. For FCI, the case of Shar-pei is intrinsically the same as the case for Akita. To solve this issue, one option is to let Nr.309/1999 remains as a standard for Western type Shar-pei and FCI Nr.309/1994 revived as the standard for the original traditional type Chinese Shar-pei.

In summary, the most distinctive differences between the traditional type (bone-mouth) and the Western type (meat-mouth) are the head, coat and tail. The difference in features between to two types is summarized below:





FCI Nr.309/1994



FCI Nr.309/1999






The skull is round and big at the base, but flat and broad at the forehead.

The Chinese description of the head is ¡§Wo Lo Tau¡¨, meaning ¡§Calabash¡¨ shaped head.


Should not be large or heavy in proportion to body.



Rather large in proportion to body.


According to the Nr.309/1999 standard, a meat-mouth requires a heavy head, rather large in proportion to body. This description has cause breeding of more and more heavier head costing the dog speed and agility.

If Shar-pei is a ¡§hunting and watchdog¡¨ as the standards claim it to be, then the performance of bone-mouth is outstanding when tested side-by-side with a meat mouth. Therefore, ¡§active and agile¡¨ are the keywords which have been taken out from the Nr.309/1994 standard to produce the Nr.309/1999 standard.


Hunting and watchdog.

Hunting and watch-dog.

Temperament Active and agile. Calm, independent, loyal and affectionate to people.

¡§Active and agile¡¨ is the key words. Need to hunt and guard.

Calm independent, loyal, affectionate to his family.

The heavier head of meat-mouth naturally cause the back to dip to balance the weight.



Very strong and straight, with very strong back bone.

This is required for an active and agile rural working and hunting dog.


Dips slightly behind withers; then it rises slightly over loin.

This is to balance the larger head.

Croup rather flat.


Height 23 inch at the withers is indeed a good and reasonable size for a rural ¡§hunting and watchdog¡¨. Although 23 inch is uncommon nowadays for a Shar-pei, many old memories in Hong Kong and China pointed out that they have seen larger dogs than what we commonly see today. With today¡¦s better nutrition and exercise, it is easier to obtain a larger structure. It is true that some traditional Shar-pei breeders in Hong Kong also think that 20 inch is the right size, meaning this is the statistical mean (the right size) for Shar-pei but it must not be confused with the maximum. If one set the height at maximum to be 20 inch, then in actual breeding the end result will be producing a dog on average of below 20 inch. Therefore 23 inch is a reasonable maximum limit for the dog, meaning the average height will be below this maximum limit.






19 to 23 inch at withers


(48.3 to 58.4 cm.)



17.5 to 20 inch at withers

(44 to 51 cm.)


Muzzle is distinctively different between the two types. The Western type requires a ¡§Hippopotamus¡¨ look permitting a bulge at the base of the nose. Traditional type basically requires a ¡§Roof tile¡¨ look. One can imagine a roof tile which has a curved and smooth surface. Any bulge or padding or protrusion on the surface, it can not function and would not be a roof tile. A ¡§Toad Mouth¡¨ only suggests a very developed cheek like a toad but still the top of muzzle should be smooth and straight.






Length of muzzle nearly equal to the length of the skull.

Moderate in length, broad from the eyes but narrowing slightly towards the nose.



¡§Hippopotamus¡¨ muzzle impart to the Shar-pei a unique look.



The shape of the mouth when viewed from top should either be in the shape of a roundish roof tile commonly known as ¡§Roof Tile Mouth¡¨ or with a wide jaw in the shape of a toad¡¦s mouth, known as ¡§Toad Mouth¡¨.


A most distinctive feature of traditional Shar-pei. Top of muzzle is curved like a roof tile. No padded or bulge on top.



A distinctive feature of the breed. Broad from root to tip of nose with no suggestion of tapering. Lips and top of muzzle well padded. Bulge at the base of the nose permissible.



Snipy muzzle is not a fault, only less preferred over broader muzzle.



Snipy muzzle is a serious fault.


Coat is another distinctive feature separating the two types. It is easy to differentiate the coat between the two types, and totally different preference when judging the two types. In general terms, Shar-pei has horse coat and brush coat, and sometimes people even refer to a bear coat. They are only referring to the difference in length of the coat with horse coat being the shortest, followed by brush coat and the longest is the bear coat. A bear coat is too long to be shown in a dog show which means it is over 1 inch in length.






Short, hard, bristly and as straight as possible. Length must not be over 2.5cm (1¡¨) long.


Horse coat is shorter than brush coat.


Horse coat is preferred over brush coat



Short, harsh and bristly. The coat is straight and offstanding on the body, but generally flatter on the limbs.

The coat may vary in length from 1cm to 2.5 cm.


Brush coat preferred over horse coat


For a traditional type Shar-pei, the coat must be short and hard and therefore the judges should prefer the shorter horse coat over any other longer length coat. The Nr.309/1994 standard says ¡§Length must not be over 2.5cm¡¨ and this preference implies that the coat should be shorter and harder the better. Over the years, the judges in the Western world developed to prefer the brush coat over the horse coat. The horse coat was treated as if it is a fault because the Nr.309/1999 standard requires ¡§from 1 cm to 2.5 cm¡¨ which implies that below 1 cm can be a problem. This description is inferior than the AKC standard for Shar-pei coat which says ¡§coat lengths may range from extremely short ¡§horse coat¡¨ up to the ¡§brush coat,¡¨ not to exceed one inch in length at the withers.¡¨ In the U.S., although both ¡§horse coat¡¨ and ¡§brush coat¡¨ are within the standard, ¡§brush coat¡¨ is preferred without much explanation. The Nr.309/1999 went even one step further specifically excluding the ¡§horse coat¡¨ (below 1 cm) from the standard. At least, the FCI can take the credit that Nr.309/1999 standard is more specific than the AKC standard.

So the coat of the Western type Shar-pei has eventually become a short hair Chow Chow. If you look at a bear coat Western Shar-pei, it is already a step short of becoming a full Chow Chow. This is not a surprise at all because Shar-pei evolved from the Tang dog and Chow Chow is also a Tang dog.

Traditional Shar-pei breeders place important emphasis on ¡§Mou Ngan¡¨ meaning ¡§coat and eye¡¨. Coat in Cantonese is pronounced ¡§Mou¡¨ and eye is ¡§Ngan¡¨. This is definitely true as the name of this breed itself implies. The name Shar-pei literally means ¡§Sandy Skin¡¨ and this ¡§Sand¡¨ like texture is the result of very short and stiff standing coat on the body. ¡§Ngan¡¨ or the eyes give the Shar-pei its brave, daring, and confident look.






Medium sized, almond shaped. As dark as possible. Light colored eyes are undesirable.



Dark, almond-shaped with a scowling expression. Lighter color permissible in dilute-colored dogs.


Without a proper ¡§Ngan¡¨ or eye set in the facial look, a Shar-pei can have all the correct features but still lacks a majestic look. An almond shaped eye means more specifically a triangular eye, which is an essential element in the facial expression.

The tail is another very distinctive feature which separates the traditional type from the Western type. In this case, it is unusual that Western judges tend to interpret the standard very broadly and at times close their eyes on the requirement of the tails. The key words are ¡§Thick and round at the root, tapering to a fine point¡¨. This ¡§tapering to a fine point¡¨ need to be strictly enforced if it needs to be a good Shar-pei. ¡§A fine point¡¨ means it is almost sharp and pointed and there can be no other interpretation for this.

Tail There are several types of tail. The most common are the curl, and double ring; this can be a big or a small curl. The tail must be firm and tightly over the hip.

Thick and round at the root, tapering to a fine point is implied here as a preferred tail.

Thick and round at the root, tapering to a fine point. May be carried high and curved, carried in tight curl or curved over or to either side of the back.

The tail is set very high, a characteristic feature of the breed.

This feature is usually disregarded in most judging in shows.

This is written even in the Nr.309/1999 Western type meat-mouth Shar-pei standard but this is not strictly enforced. For the traditional type breeders here in China and Hong Kong, they refer to the different types of tail by object names such as spear, sickle, hook, and coin. Except for the coin which means a double coiled tail, all the other descriptions are sharp pointed objects. Western judges will not hesitate to select a Champion even the hair on the tail is quite long. ¡§Tapering to a fine point¡¨ is not upheld at all for Western type Shar-pei, but this is of utmost importance when referring to a traditional Shar-pei.

Finally the wrinkles. The word ¡§wrinkle¡¨ is the curse for Shar-pei from day one when it became known to the world. The skin happens to be loosely attached to the body but not to such extend as wrinkled and folded all over the body. Basically by appearance, the skin should be well fitted onto the body with a little fold at the withers and some decorative wrinkles on the forehead. Shar-pei originally has nothing to do with the wrinkles. The wrinkled image is mainly a Western market creation.






In the adult dog pronounced wrinkles are only allowed over the forehead and withers.



Folds of skin on body in mature dogs highly undesirable except on withers and base of tail, which show moderate wrinkling.



Wrinkles on the forehead must be apparent but must not obstruct the eyes…The wrinkles on the forehead form a marking which resembles the Chinese Symbol for Longevity.



Wrinkles on forehead and cheeks continuing to form dewlap.



… loose skin around the throat. The loose skin should not be excessive. Excessive skin around the body in adults is most undesirable.



The loose skin under the neck should not be excessive.



Slight fold of skin on withers.



Wrinkles over skull and withers.